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Testing the Timing on a Clock

If you think that your mechanical clock is not keeping good time, is gaining time (going too fast) or losing time (going too slow), an easy test will help you confirm this. 


testing the timingWind the clock fully and set the time, noting down the date and time you do this.  Test for at least 3 days.

It is very important that the clock is always checked at the same hour so that any difference in time will be noted at once.

Note down any variation in time (for example, gained 2 minutes each day, or lost 2 minutes each day, etc.). 

After at least 3 days, set the time and repeat the test again (wind, set time and note results). 

It is important that the second test lasts as long as the first one (if the first test lasted 72 hours, the second one should also last 72 hours). 

If the differences in timing match, the clock should only need a setting. However, if the results vary, your clock might need a service. 


To adjust the timing, see the following link


If in difficulty on how to set it, contact us for advice.