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What is a Hygrometer?

Maritim Brass Hygrometer


What is the function of a hygrometer?

A hygrometer is a device used to measure the relative humidity, or the amount of water vapour in air, soil, or confined spaces.

Humidity is affected by a number of factors, including temperature and air pressure. Hygrometers calibrate and calculate these factors to lead to a measurement of humidity.

Humidity can also vary according to the temperature. The maximum amount of water vapour that can be held in a give volume of air varies; cold air holds a smaller mass of water per unit volume than hot air.



What is the difference between absolute and relative humidity?

Absolute humidity is the actual amount of water vapour that is in the air, expressed as grams of moisture per cubic meter (g/m3) of air.

The relative humidity is the percentage of the maximum amount of water vapour the air could possibly hold.


Have a look at our selection of hygrometers and

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